Post by seanx on Dec 7, 2007 17:09:02 GMT -5
I didn't know this....but when he was asked about it, he got upset and says religion isn't important and shouldn't matter
however a few months ago he was ranting about muslims and their religion.....typical hypocrite
by the way, do some research into the Mormon religion before you blindly follow a TV/radio personality....a person very close to me was a member and ran from the "cult" when it was discovered what the whole thing was about.....funny how Romney never touched on what his beliefs were REALLY about the other night
I believe in the freedom of religion, just don't bash someone else's and then get offended when questions come up about your own.......this is why Beck is a douche ..... he pulls this stuff all the time
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 8, 2007 17:57:47 GMT -5
I've never heard Beck say religion isn't important and shouldn't matter, quite the opposite. Go see his Christmas show.... never mentions the Mormon religion or it's beliefs. I listen often and I've never heard him bash any religion, including Muslims, except for the extremists. I agree the Mormon religion is strange and comes from strange beginnings but you are wrong about Beck. I think it's funny how all the Ron Paulers hate conservative radio but I bet it'd be different if he endorses Paul. Paul's a MORON for not going on his show and trying to get the support of the MILLIONS of listeners to his show. Beck agrees with A LOT of what Ron Paul has to say. Also, here's a link to the video where the Ron Paul supporters claim Beck calls them "Domestic terrorists"...please show me where? All his point was he understands their disenfranchisement but worries that using Guy Faux (sp?) Day as a rallying point might not be such a good idea. Would love to hear from a Ron Paul supporter that isn't a conspiracy theorist and won't start saying things like, "so and so is in bed with this company" and "Bush is a commie" and "we new about 9/11" and "every other candidate is in Skull and Bones". Ashame really... but he WON'T win so it doesn't matter.....it's a lost cause for his presidency but good that young people are getting involved in politics. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg8M2JBIoqo
Post by seanx on Dec 8, 2007 18:25:49 GMT -5
...he said that when he got questioned about his beliefs.....I saw the quotes somewhere on the mainstream news.....it mustve been your boy, keith olberman's show since cnn wouldn't do that to one of their own.....or it may have been online...I just know I saw it ...I also thought that Glenn Beck was going to ask Paul to be on his show, but never did....do you know something different? Bush isn't a commie...he's a nazi.....and don't blow off skull and bones or corporate elitists so easily.....the actual facts about 9/11.....or even who exactly Guy Fawkes is and what he stood for.....have you researched any of it? how can you speak on subjects unless you've looked into them thoroughly (from both sides)? if you do that, then I will listen to you...until then your diatribe is simply static on the radio...turning the station......... am I wrong to ask for a more thoroughly researched opinion from you?
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 8, 2007 18:49:02 GMT -5
My boy Keith? Hardly....
Paul has been asked 3 times to be on the show, was scheduled once and backed out last minute. Actually I have researched it and I see the the liberals headed towards being Commies WAY faster then Bush being a Nazi? He has only 1 year left.... where are the Nazi beliefs in any of his policies? I'm not saying what Guy Fawkes stood for was wrong..... just the fact he wanted to blow up Parliament and kill James I and his family to try and reinstate Catholic rule to England. I do have researched opinions, am I wrong to ask for more proof on all of your outrageous claims? Ron Paul and his supporters are the biggest mud slingers in the history of politics.
Post by seanx on Dec 8, 2007 19:58:57 GMT -5
...better argument.... here is the link to story, it was olberman it quotes beck (go to the video "who cares about religion": www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677I don't care about liberals...some may very well be communists (do you know what the actual definition of communism is?)....but they aren't the one's in control and attempting to take more constitutional rights away from us like Bush is currently......you want me to enumerate them? plus skull and bones is based on nazi regime....you do realize that the nazi ss symbol of the skull and crossbones with the numerology 322 is the same symbol as the order of skull and bones? the number beneath the skull is 322 which represents the order of the deaths head or the nazi ss......MicKulz should be able to back me on this....he's read books on the ss as well......the medals the ss wore had the death's head with 322 on it....additionally the room in the tomb where Bush took his oaths in sull and bones was 322....numerology and the occult are very big with them....you know who aleister crowley is? ozzy sang about him...jimmy page bought his old home...etc etc....check out the ordo templi orientis and golden dawn to see groups he was part of and his relationship with hitler too....
Post by seanx on Dec 9, 2007 0:04:18 GMT -5
...MicKulz, you gonna touch this one? or rather not?
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 9, 2007 2:45:56 GMT -5
That Beck comment from the "former Sports Center Anchor" is hilarious! Your quoting Olberman is great.... Beck questions people who are borderline "I might kill Americans." His point on Romney was, Harry Reid is a mormon...why doesn't anyone question him? ? Liberals are the ones that want religion out of everything. You are the Ron Paul guy that wants to get back to the constitution.... read it....what does it say? OUR COUNTRY WAS BASED ON GOD!!!!!! seanx...I fell sorry for you supporting a lost cause. Ron Paul doesn't get any attention because the idea that SO MANY people want him as President is a visage... NOT GONNA HAPPEN.... when it doesn't (when he doesn't finish 3rd even) I'll enjoy your posts on how it's fixed and how the media doesn't talk about a guy who's 5th in polls and hpw it's controlled by big business and all the other bullshit you believe... again, I fell sorry for you... honestly.
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 9, 2007 2:46:41 GMT -5
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 9, 2007 2:47:37 GMT -5
Seriously? Name them
Post by seanx on Dec 9, 2007 11:01:14 GMT -5
That Beck comment from the "former Sports Center Anchor" is hilarious! Your quoting Olberman is great.... Beck questions people who are borderline "I might kill Americans." His point on Romney was, Harry Reid is a mormon...why doesn't anyone question him? ? Liberals are the ones that want religion out of everything. You are the Ron Paul guy that wants to get back to the constitution.... read it....what does it say? OUR COUNTRY WAS BASED ON GOD!!!!!! seanx...I fell sorry for you supporting a lost cause. Ron Paul doesn't get any attention because the idea that SO MANY people want him as President is a visage... NOT GONNA HAPPEN.... when it doesn't (when he doesn't finish 3rd even) I'll enjoy your posts on how it's fixed and how the media doesn't talk about a guy who's 5th in polls and hpw it's controlled by big business and all the other bullshit you believe... again, I fell sorry for you... honestly. actually the quote was from either "The Today Show" or "Good Morning America"...Olberman happened to have it on his show (which I find entertaining at 12 am before turning out the lights)....like I've said before, a person's religion does not sway me....it is the hypocrisy and the hoodwinking which goes on in politics, religion and the media (once again we can elaborate on all the stories going on in the country and world that do not get any coverage that are far more pertinent to the government and politics and morality: one for example would be the Brown holdout in New Hampshire..don't you think that would be on the news every night? it wasn't....why? because they did not want others who feel the same way to give them support) Harry Reid is a tool as well.....I've already said it was fixed so I won't need to reiterate that...however not voting or trying to change things is giving up (I was involved in a Home Rule movement in our local government and we came very close to winning, in the most conservative area around....education was given by the Legal Defense Fund which fights for Constitutional rights and for the average citizen....they also provided counsel....I'm conservative as well, however it seems that local officials are bordering on corrupt and we wanted to make some changes and evaluate their record keeping, project funding, use of tax money, etc.....they were freaking out and fought us as hard as they could. If you aren't doing anything wrong, why freak out?) you don't need to feel sorry for me.....just educate yourself. (I've got two books I've asked for xmas...1-Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life and 2-Faith of my Fathers (John McCain)....two opposite ends of the spectrum I'd say)......you getting any of the books I suggested? you do realize that by skipping over questions I ask you in previous posts and moving onto new subjects or regurgitating the same old arguments in circles does not lend you credibility and in fact makes you look as though you are losing a debate. it would be best to answer all questions asked first and then make a new point or further an existing argument.....just some advice if you want to appear like you are making some progress....and if you are simply arguing to not make points and go around in circles and don't care about the whole process.....then I will just let you blab on with your tired rhetoric with no response......
Post by seanx on Dec 9, 2007 11:17:51 GMT -5
how about the one's we are losing now, my friend....wiretapping of US citizens (I know you don't care about that but isn't that how the Nazis started.....gathering info on people for no reason in the name of "terrorism"?).....placing cameras on street corners......wanting to immunize all people no matter what......using satellites for surveillance of US citizens......currently the 2nd amendment is beforet he Supreme Court......shutting down people's right to free speech and peaceful protest......wanting to place bio-chips in people and attempting to go forward with this (the UK and Mexico are doing this now).....educationally do you think rich and poor people get the same? is that all men are created equal? look at the funding before you tell me that it is because no teachers want to go into the inner city (and the agenda)......shutting down small businesses because they go against the interests of larger corporations.....selling off our national parks, ports, attempting to sell the airlines....hiding emails and records of the executive office in regards to intelligence information and reasons to take us to war.......conflict of interests between the oil cartels, the military industrial complex private industries (halliburton, blackwater, etc) and the government.......allowing lobbying to continue in the way that it is........suspension of habeus corpus......there is plenty more, but I don't feel like writing all day (because I basically could) most of this in someway can be linked to Constitutionality and damages can be proven in many cases so law suits are being pursued....and by the way, the country would be FAR better without any of the above stated problems or ideologies, would we at least agree on that point? and if not, which one's do you think we need? and why?
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 9, 2007 16:37:28 GMT -5
What question didn't I answer?
Post by mdeasy on Dec 9, 2007 21:08:36 GMT -5
the constitution.... read it....what does it say? OUR COUNTRY WAS BASED ON GOD!!!!!! Small correction. The constitution does not contain the word god, nor does it appeal to any god or any other higher existence. Here is the US Constitution if you would like to read it. usgovinfo.about.com/blconst.htm#Article1
Post by Mickulz on Dec 9, 2007 22:15:38 GMT -5
The only thing I know for 100% is that S & B were formed in 1832 and used the skull and bones with the 322 below it from day one. That is almost 100 years before the Nazi party (formed 1920) and the SS existed. So I would have to say that maybe the Nazi's took it from S & B, but not the other way around.
Numerology is a big part in any major religion or society, so I honestly never put stock in to it making anything "occult". I mean the KJ Bible is loaded with numerology and the such.
Post by mdeasy on Dec 9, 2007 23:18:18 GMT -5
Liberals are the ones that want religion out of everything. The fact that you still see the "Left" and the "Right" at face value betrays your ignorance. It's not your fault though. One can only see what one understands. That is how and why so-called "magic" works. Misdirection is effective and GOVERN-MENT(REF.1) schooling as been misdirecting all of us for a long time. A fine example of misdirection is the "Patriot Act", which: • allows warrentless searches of homes and property without even notifying the searched. • allows the the F.B.I. to obtain peoples genetic records without probable cause. • allows the government's to seize personal information, credit reports, communications records and financial information without Judicial review. The complete patriot act---> www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162.htmlFor clarity, the misdirection occurs when you, "the patriot" takes the item, in this case, the Patriot Act, at face value. Is this legislation patriotic? Is it helping patriots? I think not! It is not just a pretty title though. It's a euphemism, and government as well as big business love them. It's meant to look good on the surface because most people are so preoccupied with life that they never look beneath the surface. This includes many politicians, government, military and the rest of us. umm... Collateral damage, neutralized, "Operation Iraqi Freedom", "Friendly Fire", "internment camp", "regime change"...this goes on and on and...every little bit of this plays its part in keeping you and me happy to be in the dark. Peace out peeps, Marshall ref. 1 gubernare (latin) "to direct, rule, guide," mentalis (latin) "of the mind,"
Post by seanx on Dec 10, 2007 7:01:14 GMT -5
The only thing I know for 100% is that S & B were formed in 1832 and used the skull and bones with the 322 below it from day one. That is almost 100 years before the Nazi party (formed 1920) and the SS existed. So I would have to say that maybe the Nazi's took it from S & B, but not the other way around. ...I never thought about the timeline of the thing....you are right though. Now you've opened a can of questions.......good job, MicKulz! This could lead to a theory that more members of Skull and Bones than just the Bush/Harriman group funded the Nazis and that perhaps more money from more members was involved. Now that would REALLY be something to research.......Or was Hitler funded from day one by them? Once again the money trail would show everything.....that is something that needs to be uncovered...... .......Great point! Very interesting....... as far as numerology......KJ really messed with the Bible....Did you ever see the version before he edited it? ...... and as far as "occult", my definition is defferent than 'hard core" Christians (who tend to believe almost anything which is differing from their beliefs is "occult") since we are throwing out definitions: Main Entry: occult Pronunciation: \same as 2\ Function: noun Date: 1923 : matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them —used with "the"
Post by Mickulz on Dec 10, 2007 12:22:47 GMT -5
Actually, being the history dork I am, I would also like to point out that Germany's army had 322 divisions also.
Post by mdeasy on Dec 10, 2007 23:05:32 GMT -5
Actually, being the history dork I am, I would also like to point out that Germany's army had 322 divisions also. That's good info.
Post by Mickulz on Dec 10, 2007 23:26:31 GMT -5
Yeah, Hitler had some strange things going on. If it was not for a dirt pee-pee, we may all be speaking German right now.
I am also in to the Civil War. Not so much the actual battles, but the issues and actions behind in. Did you know that Robert E. Lee is the only person to ever graduate from West Point without a single demerit on his record.
WWII interests me more because there is so much more behind the scenes that never gets talked about. Like the fact that FDR hated Churchill so much that he almost let England get completely destroyed by the Nazi's.
Post by JeffD5Buddy on Dec 11, 2007 21:18:16 GMT -5
the constitution.... read it....what does it say? OUR COUNTRY WAS BASED ON GOD!!!!!! Small correction. The constitution does not contain the word god, nor does it appeal to any god or any other higher existence. Here is the US Constitution if you would like to read it. usgovinfo.about.com/blconst.htm#Article1O.K. I was mistaken. But if you don't believe God has anything to do with the founding of our country. You can't read... John Adams: “ The general principles upon which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principals of Christianity… I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.” • “[July 4th] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” Benjamin Franklin: | Portrait of Ben Franklin “ God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel” –Constitutional Convention of 1787 | original manuscript of this speech Alexander Hamilton: • Hamilton began work with the Rev. James Bayard to form the Christian Constitutional Society to help spread over the world the two things which Hamilton said made America great: (1) Christianity (2) a Constitution formed under Christianity. “The Christian Constitutional Society, its object is first: The support of the Christian religion. Second: The support of the United States.” James Madison: “ We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.”
Post by seanx on Dec 12, 2007 6:40:26 GMT -5
.....damn it Jeff.....you are becoming a true debater......
Post by Mickulz on Dec 12, 2007 10:32:32 GMT -5
some may say a Master Debater...Couldn't resist.
Post by seanx on Dec 12, 2007 16:01:04 GMT -5
you can probably get away with saying that....if I did, he would flip out and accuse me of implying that he liked Kleenex.........
Post by mdeasy on Dec 12, 2007 20:56:20 GMT -5
Govern-ment is from latin. gubernare (latin) "to direct, rule, guide," mentalis (latin) "of the mind,"
Post by Mickulz on Dec 12, 2007 23:56:05 GMT -5
we got it the first time MD...relax.